Did you Know We Are Biologically Wired to Feel our Emotions?

Discover Everything you need to know about

Your Core Emotions

One of the biggest mistakes as a human race, is being fearful of our emotions.

Many are confused to hear this because that is what most of us experienced. Emotions are not dangerous; our bodies are designed to ‘feel’ everything and meet our emotions. Many of us suppress our emotions or 'act' out on our emotions. Let's learn to be in control of our emotions; your nervous system will thank you for it.

  • Discover: What emotions were encouraged or discouraged

  • Learn: How how many emotions are available to us. How many can you name or had available to you?

  • Master: And discover what emotions you need to explore to accept all aspects of you.

‘The Challenge is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else’

Renee Locks

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